Oliver & Maria (Brower) Shepherd
Oliver Shepherd April 19, 1841 - July 15, 1917
Served as a private in Co. H, 27th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, the "Hoosier Rangers".
Promoted from Corporal. Wounded at Cedar Mountain--shell to left hip. Wounded at Antietam--gunshot to left thigh. Hospital at Boonsboro, Maryland.
U.S. Army General Hospital No. 5, Frederick, Maryland. U.S. Army General Hospital, Chester, Pennsylvania. Returned to regiment 2-1863. Wounded at
Gettysburg-gunshot to upper left forearm, severely fractured, 2-1/2" bone removed. 1st Division/12th Corps General Field Hospital, Gettysburg,
Pennsylvania. Summit House U.S. Army General Hospital, West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. U.S. Army General Hospital, Madison, Indiana. Soldiers Home,
Indianapolis, Indiana. Transferred to Veterans Reserve Corps at Cincinnati. Ohio. in June-1864. Mustered out at Indianapolis, Indiana, on 9-15-1864.
Later service as Captain in 145th Indiana Infantry.
July 26, 1917 - North Vernon Plain Dealer, pg. 3
Captain Oliver Shepherd, son of Pleasant and Irena Shepherd, was born in Jennings County, April 19, 1841, on the old ancestral
farm where he lived all his life, and where he died July 15, 1917. He received his education in the common schools and at College Hill, Lancaster,
Jefferson County. He enlisted in the 27th Regiment, Indiana Volunteers at the very beginning of the Civil War, was wounded at Antietam and also at
Gettysburg. After his three years' service had expired in the 27th, he raised a company and became a Captain in the 145th Regiment. He was so much
a soldier and a lover of his country that he said recently that if he were only younger he would like to raise a company in the present war. On
December 4, 1866, he was married to Miss Maria M. Brower, a daughter of Adam Brower. To this marriage were born four children Vinna, Vincent, Ida
and Freddie, all of whom survive him, together with four grand-children. He united with the Methodist Church at Hopewell, in early life, served for
many years as Sunday School superintendent and was all through his active life a faithful worker for his Lord. He was a most interesting public-spirtied
citizen, patriotic and self-denying, well informed on all current topics, a most loving and generous husband and father. For the past two years he was
confined to the house by ill health, but he enjoyed the home folks and the friends who came to see him. His last illness was of very brief duration.
He was taken worse on Saturday morning and Sunday at 6:00 o'clock A.M. came a blessed release from earth.

Maria (Brower) Shepherd December 5, 1848 - August 18, 1928
September 17, 1928 - Seymour Daily Tribune, page 8
Marie Brower Shepherd was born at the old Brower homestead, near Lovett, Indiana. She was the youngest daughter of Adam and
[sic] Brower, who were the parents of thirteen children. Their sons were James, George, Adam, Lemuel, John, Howard and Harry, the daughters,
Sarah, Margaret, Almeda, Janet, Eliza and Maria.
She married Capt. Oliver Shepherd. To this union were born four children, Vinnie Eliza, Vincent, Ida and Fred, her daughter Ville E.
Love having preceded her a little more than a year. In early years the church was given a place in her life. She was a devoted mother and a real homemaker.
She enjoyed almost perfect health until a few months ago when she suffered reumatism. Many hearts are saddened at her passing but a ray of light breaks through
as hope rises and we get a vision of that Celestial home where she has gone.
Our loss is great; Her gain is greater.
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